Monday, August 11, 2008

12.Determination of Fermi energy

AIM: To determine the Fermi energy of the copper.
APPARATUS: DC Regulated power supply, Milliammeter, Voltmeter, Copper wire and Screw gauge.
PRINCIPLE: The energy of the highest occupied level by an electron at absolute zero temperature is called the Fermi energy. Fermi energy is given by,
EF = ½ mvF2
Where ‘m’ is the mass of the electron and ‘vF’ the Fermi velocity.
But vF = lF/t where lF is mean free path and t the relaxation time.
Since conductivity s = 1/r = L/RA = ne2t/m,
t = mL/ne2RA = mL/ne2Rpr2 [A=pr2 ]
\vF = ne2Rpr2 lF/ mL
Now EF = ½ mvF2 = ½ m (ne2Rpr2 lF/ mL)2
For Copper, n = 8.5 x 1028 /m3
lF = 53 x 10-9 m
e = 1.6 x 10-19 C
m = 9.1 x 10-31 Kg
\ EF = 7.16 x 10-2 x (r4/L2) x R2
But R = slope of the Voltage-Current graph.
\ EF = 7.16 x 10-2 x (r4/L2) x [Slope]2
PROCEDURE: The circuit arrangement is made as shown in figure. The voltage is varied gradually and the corresponding current values are noted down. A graph can be plotted with the voltage along Y-axis and the current along the X-axis. The slope of the graph gives the resistance of the given copper material. The radius of the copper wire is measured using a screw gauge and length by using a meter scale.
Radius of the wire (r) =
Length of the wire (L) =
Voltage (V) Current (I)

Slope of the graph = AB/BC =
EF = 7.16 x 10-2 x (r4/L2) x [Slope]2 =
RESULT: Fermi energy of the given material =


Unknown said...

Fermi energy is temperature dependent then how is it possible to get fermi energy without temperature variation

Unknown said...

Yes how? I've got the same question

Unknown said...

It is not current.
It should be temperature in kelvin scale instead

Unknown said...

Ya that is temperature only

Unknown said...

What is the result of that experiment?

Unknown said...

give me sir sample readings of voltage and current

Unknown said...

What are the precautions